Fairway Parks & Recreation

Announcements & News
Fairway Parks & Rec is on Instagram - Monday, July 20, 2020
Follow @fairwayparksrec on Instagram to keep
up with Fairway Parks & Recreation programs, special events, facility
rentals, contests and more. Are you playing at Peterson Park, walking through
the grounds of the Shawnee Indian Mission or attending a Nerf Party at City
Hall? Feel free to tag us on your pictures of these activities and events!

Fairway Parks & Recreation
Welcome to Fairway Parks & Recreation's online registration system! Before you can register for your first program you will need to create a user account (profile), which will make registering for future activities much easier! For help on setting up your account or registering for programs, please click here: https://fairway.recdesk.com/Community/Help
Don't hesitate to contact the Parks & Recreation Department if you need any assistance as you move through the process! Call 913-262-0350 Ext. 3.
Share your ideas
As you view our website, you will notice that we have something for everyone. If you have questions about anything you see or have your own ideas that you want to introduce, please contact the Parks and Recreation Department. We are always looking for new and creative programming opportunities.
Mission Statement
It is the mission of the Fairway Parks and Recreation Department to create recreational opportunities for growth and enhancement by developing diverse services and programs that promote citizen involvement and a strong sense of community while striving to increase the social, cultural, and physical well-being of its residents and visitors.
1. The City of Fairway does not issue refunds for Parks & Recreation activities; however fees may be transferred to another activity if a request is received at least five (5) days prior to the program start date.
2. The City of Fairway will refund registration fees for programs that are cancelled or postponed by the Fairway Parks & Recreation Department.
3. Fairway Pool memberships and Super Pass fees are non-refundable and non-transferable unless it is determined by the City that the buyer was ineligible to purchase the Super Pass, at which point, only the Super Pass fee will be refunded.